Jewelry Cleaning
It’s sad but true – even gold can lose its shine. Years of wear and tear, improper storage, moisture, humidity, deodorants, and hairspray – these are all factors that lead to your favorite gold jewelry becoming a bit duller, a bit blacker, a bit more tarnished. Luckily, you’ll never reach the point of no return!
How to clean gold jewelry is a simple enough question to answer. Regular cleaning will keep your jewelry brilliant and beautiful, and you won’t have to take it all the way to the jewelers – you can do it on your own! Here’s how.
4 ways to clean your gold jewelry
1. Use a jewelry cleaner
Many professionals use something called “an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner.” Lately, it’s become available to everyone! An ultrasonic cleaner means that your jewelry will be cleaned by water or a cleaning solution and tens of thousands of ultrasonic energy waves per second.
When using this type of a cleaner, make sure to follow the instructions carefully to get the best results. The cleaning will usually last anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes; you should heat the water or cleaning solvent, and the load you put in the cleaner should be somewhere less than the weight of half the volume of the water you’re using.
2. Water and detergent
While a gold jewelry cleaner may give you the best results with the minimum amount of effort, why not go the extra mile and do it all on your own!
A simple way to maintain the beauty of your gold jewelry is to mix some dishwashing liquid in a bowl of warm (never hot!) water, soak your gold jewelry in it for 10 to 15 minutes, then use a toothbrush to wipe the dullness off in a light, delicate, and gentle motions. Rinse in warm water, and dry it off with a clean, soft cloth.
3. Use a drop of ammonia
Another way of cleaning gold jewelry at home is to use water and just a drop of ammonia. Be careful! Ammonia is strong and can be abrasive – use it rarely and only for deep cleaning – never use it if your gold piece has delicate gemstones, pearls, and platinum.
You need only a half of tablespoon of ammonia in a bowl. Then, add a half a glass of water, and mix properly. Soak your gold in the mixture for no more than a minute! Then remove with tongs or strainers. To rinse off your gold jewelry, hold it under running water and make sure to be thorough. Finally, dry your gold jewelry with a soft cloth.
4. Use vinegar
Vinegar – the almighty all-purpose cleaner – can be used if you want to add some light and brightness to your jewelry. All you need to do is pour some white vinegar in a bowl, soak your gold jewelry so that it’s completely under the vinegar for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Dry your gold jewelry by patting a clean soft cloth against it.
What to avoid when cleaning gold jewelry
Remember, gold is a soft metal! Any time you brush your jewelry or even dry it, be very gentle.
You also need to keep in mind that certain substances should always be avoided. You should avoid soap, especially the ones with unknown ingredients. When showering or washing the dishes, remove your gold jewelry to minimize chances of tarnish.
Chlorine should also always be avoided. When at a high temperature, chlorine with permanently discolor or even damage your gold jewelry, so always remove it before enjoying a hot tub.
We hope we’ve helped you keep your gold looking as brilliant as the day you got it! If you’re looking for a new piece, or you want to repair a favorite, or even get a custom design made, drop by one of our stores – we’ll be happy to help!
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